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All astrological interpretations are based on the nature and placements of the nine planets. They are referred to as lords as they are capable of dictating the type of life we live on earth. If the planets are favorable in your horoscope, you will have a comfortable life but if they are not conceding, then it will be hard to promote your interests against their wish. The list of planetary fire labs are aimed to pacify the unfavorable planets. Our panel of Vedic experts will guide you how best you can benefit from our individual or group planetary fire labs.
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Mars Fire Lab (Homa)

Mars is fiery and passionate planet. If in your chart, Mars is weak or badly placed he will create debts (credit card, medical, mortgage), diseases and relationship problems. A positive Mars gives courage, healing and financial discrimination. Performing Mars Fire Lab helps control its malefic effects for your well-being.

US $ 161.00
US $ 161.00
Jupiter Fire Lab (Homa)

This Jupiter homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of success and teacher of the humankind. He represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire. This homa is targeted receive his blessings for success in endeavors, increase imagination, gain knowledge and serve as an inspiration to others.

US $ 161.00
US $ 161.00
Venus Fire Lab (Homa)

This Venus homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Venus. The planet Venus is ruled by Goddess Lakshmi and governs the female gender. He can empower you to harness your creativity and give expression to your abilities. Perform Venus homa to receive blessings for longevity, wealth, progeny, happiness, property and good education.

US $ 161.00
US $ 161.00
Rahu Fire Lab(Homa)

This Rahu homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Rahu. Rahu is one of the two nodal planets, who can strengthen your power and overwhelm adversaries. He can help to improve your life and make even unfavorable situations work to your advantage. Rahu homa can help you make the best use of circumstances, be a go-getter and lead the life as you desire.

US $ 161.00
US $ 161.00
Ketu Fire Lab (Homa)

This Ketu homa (Fire Lab) invokes the blessings of Ketu. Ketu is one of the two nodal planets, who can endow you with a spiritual bent of mind and help you bring out hidden positive attributes of your personality and achieve great heights. Perform Ketu homa to gain overall prosperity, good health and turn around your fiscal fortunes.

US $ 161.00
US $ 161.00
1 - 5 of 5 Products